Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2013 Resolutions

We Heart It - edited by me
I don't tend to make 'New Year's Resolutions', I guess because the time just goes so quickly and I think being in education your years are a bit messed up because they start in September and go through until June - it just never seemed right that January the 1st was the first day of a new year! New years have always been September since I started school which was 20 years ago. Wow, that is a scary thought. This year though, after I'd finished Uni and I started a new job it seemed like time was just passing me by and whilst I was on holiday with my boyfriend it kind of dawned on me, I have quite a bad memory. I said to him 'you know I can't remember where we went at the beginning of the holiday. What we did in the day, what we ate.' I then sat there and listed the places we'd been and there were a few days where I just couldn't work it out for a while. It scared me and it kind of upset me. So for Christmas I asked for a journal that I could write in so I wouldn't forget a thing. It may sound silly buy I honestly will have conversations with people and they'll ask so then what happened, or what did so and so say? And I really struggle to answer because I just let things pass me by without taking them in. So one of my resolutions this year is to write in my journal, even if I just go to work I'd like to jot down some things that happened and what we talked about, and hopefully I'll be able to answer those types of questions later in the year.
I've enjoyed reading others posts about what they hope to achieve this year and other types of goals so below are the other things I'm striving for.

  • Get our own place with my boyfriend - we live together currently but it's not ours and it's been this way pretty much since we got together. I think after 4 years we should be looking to the future and making something our own.
  • Learn something new - I'm having snowboarding lessons this weekend so I'm 100% committed to this goal! I need a new hobby and something to keep me active.
  • Keep fit - the above will obviously help but I want to put more effort into being fit and healthy this year. I don't want to lose weight or anything I just want to tone a bit and make sure I'm healthy as I've let myself slip this past year. Basically I've become majorly lazy!!
  • Meet new people - Since the biggest part of my life are now over (education) it becomes even harder to meet new people and bond. I want to try put as much effort into this as possible as I love meeting new people and hopefully making new, lasting friendships. I hope that some of the blogger meetups will help with this as well as snowboarding (if I manage to learn it) and putting myself out there a bit more.
Not many, and they're probably very cliche'd, but they're mine and I'm glad I've put the time in to think about where I want to be by the end of this year. Have you made any yourself? Leave the link below if you have! 


  1. Great post!
    Happy new year!

  2. Me and my boyfriend are moving in together in the summer and I'm really excited at buying homeware and decorating :D Best part of cohabiting in my opinion :P

    Keeping a journal is a really nice idea. It's always fun to look back on and sometimes laugh at!

    Snowboarding sounds like a fun new hobby. I'd love to learn, but it looks like it costs quite a lot.

    I did a photo summary of my year over at


    1. Thanks for your comment :) I've left one for on your post too! x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. snowboarding! So brave! I'd love to do that but I'm way too much of a pansy. Maybe that should be one of my new years resolutions hahax

    Great blog hun, I just found it and am now following! xxx


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