Tuesday, 11 December 2012


So as some of you may already know last week I took the plunge by dying my hair brunette. I thought it'd be nice to see a before and after picture but I apologise for the awful photography in the after photo! I just couldn't get a good picture and wanted to post this up so much, so after about 10 tries I gave up and thought this one would do.
My hair looks quite light in the photo but it is actually much darker! It must of been the lighting.
A lot of people say 'oh you want to go dark for Winter' and it's not really that, I've been umm-ing and ah-ing for about 6 months to 1 year now on what to do with my hair as I had a very light brown/blonde colour and I was either going to go brunette or lighten it up and go blonde. I thought it would be easier to put highlights through it rather than go brunette and then hate it and want to go back blonde! So that's what I did and I wasn't really sure to be honest but I kept it for this long as I got used to it but all I kept thinking was, what would I look like brunette? Don't get me wrong, I've been brunette before but I had shorter hair and I was a bit younger, lots of things make a difference to how I would look now with brunette hair. I feel a bit more mature, although someone said I look younger, and once it has got over the shock of having a whole tub of brown hair dye slapped on it I'm sure it will be in much better condition.
I'm really looking forward to getting all dressed up with my new hair and seeing how different I feel. I didn't tell anyone I was getting it done as I like to see peoples faces, ha! My boyfriend really, really liked it and my mum was a bit funny but she just doesn't understand why I can't stick with one colour. The girls in work have also said it suits me better, which is nice to hear!
What do you think? I hope you like it!


  1. I always do this - go blonder and blonder then get bored and go brunette. Then I get bored if that and start getting it highlighted again. This time I've just got lowlights and might go ombre next time.

    It suits you though :-)

    1. Thank you! I know it's like a vicious circle x

  2. I think you look great brunette.. but as a brunette myself I may be bais ;)


    1. Haha thank you! I think I'm getting used to it. x

  3. I love it - I think you look lovely as a brunette :) x

  4. I think both look great but you do really suit the brunette hair :) x


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